Woodworm Treatment in Cornwall & Surrounding Areas
At Newseal Ltd, we're specialists in woodworm, dry rot and wet rot treatments across Cornwall and the surrounding areas. With more than 20 years of experience, we're experts when it comes to timber treatments.
Give us a call to find out more or get a free quote.
Woodworm, Dry Rot & Wet Rot Timber Treatments
We provide specialist damp proofing and timber treatments in Truro and throughout Cornwall along with specialist re-plastering techniques to coincide with all chemical damp proof course installations. The timber treatment carries our own 10-year guarantee which can also be complemented with an independent 10-year insurance guarantee issued by Guarantee Protection Insurance Ltd GPI.
Whether you require a specialist timber treatment and damp report in Cornwall or a woodworm specialist in Truro, Perranporth or Penzance or dry rot or wet rot treatments in the surrounding areas. Please contact us for a no obligation inspection and quotation (professional fees apply)..
Newseal Ltd are approved contractors for Permagard products- a leading manufacturer of chemicals for the remedial treatments industry.

Woodworm Treatments
Common Furniture Beetle (anobium punctatum), as the name suggests, is the most common insect that attacks softwood and European hardwood. Larvae hatch out from the eggs and burrow into the timber feeding on the sapwood, progressively weakening it, for up to four years; when fully grown the larvae are approx. 3mm long. Adult beetles emerge from the timber at the completion of the pupa stage through 1-2mm diameter flight holes.
Treatment of this beetle is by means of a water-based microemulsion insecticide containing permethrin is applied under a course spray treatment to all accessible, undecorated timber surfaces.

Dry Rot & Wet Rot Treatments
Timber decay arises as a result of severe dampness and is potentially the most destructive agent within any building. Decay by wet rot fungi such as the cellar fungus, Coniophora Puteana, tends to remain localised to the source of dampness and is restricted to the wood itself. If left unchecked it frequently causes joist ends and other bearing timbers to collapse, for example, where the joist ends are embedded in damp masonry.
True Dry Rot (serpula lacrymans)
However, infection by the true dry rot fungus (serpula lacrymans), can be far more destructive within a building than the wet rots, due to its ability to grow through and across inert substrates such as brickwork and plaster. This allows the fungus to contaminate other timbers within the building so spreading the extent of decay and destruction. Unfortunately, dry rot is rather ‘secretive’ in its activity, preferring stagnant, humid conditions. Hence, when it is discovered the damage it has caused is frequently very extensive.